

Before the first session, we would like to draw your attention to the following points:

No diagnoses, therapies, treatments in the medical sense are carried out or any other medicine in the legal sense is practiced.

We would like to inform you that the coach/therapist does not have to have any medical knowledge or skills and that this does not give the impression that medical or alternative treatment is being carried out.

The sessions cannot replace medical treatment or treatments by the coach/therapist. The coach/therapist believes that collaboration with doctors, alternative practitioners and other therapists is very important. Therefore, ongoing treatment should not be interrupted or discontinued, nor should treatment that is necessary in the future be postponed or omitted entirely. The responsibility for your decisions lies entirely with you.

No promises are made to you that neither healing nor goal achievement will take place, so that no false hopes are raised.

Moxa (moxa herb - heat treatment technique) and subtle deep treatments work directly on the skin.
It is your free responsibility and decision to continue or stop the visits with the coach/therapist. You can at any time make clear your consent or rejection of the meeting procedures or the proposed media recovery aids, goal achievement and all other services and suggestions offered and act accordingly.

You will be informed about what to expect at the sessions and also how the fee is made up and calculated.

The hour is calculated as 45 minutes (preparation and follow-up time)
Appointments can be rescheduled or canceled no later than 48 hours Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. before the agreed appointment. Otherwise, the appointment will be billed for the reserved time.
The www.oda-kt.ch guidelines apply.


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Transformation Work GmbH
Baarerstrasse 34
6300 Zug
0041 (0)76 330 36 61
skype: transformationwork

09:00 - 18:00
Evening and Weekend only emergencies

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