Transformation Work


Life Purpose, Personal Transformation, Relationships, Life Force, Projects and more

Life's mission - realize your potential

The most valuable thing in a person is his potential: because the honors of an effect for its own sake are mere shadows of the wild orgy of chance. Those who act based on potential have a lasting effect. Those who nurture potential have multiple effects. And whoever despises potential - expires.
© Dr. Leon R. Tsvasman (*1968), German-Russian thinker, artist and writer

  • Clarify and manifest your life's purpose
  • Seeing and embracing a larger vision
  • Create your own business/skill
  • Career change

Personal transformation and healing

Anyone who can admit mistakes and correct them paves the way for further development. © Dieter Gropp (*1937), poet and aphorist

Move away from surface treatment and go to the root for lasting transformation!

  • Overcome subconscious blockages
  • Free yourself from fears and frustrations
  • Break through your own limitations
  • Move towards health and wellness


Respect for others is the basis of a relationship.
© Damaris Wieser (*1977), German lyricist and poet

  • Attractive and harmonizing relationships
  • Creating harmony at work and at home
  • Ending the conflict with love and support
  • Empowering and empowering your children


Vitality shows itself not only as stamina, but also as the courage to start anew.
Francis Scott Fitzgerald (1896 - 1940), American writer (including "The Great Gatsby")

  • Make the Law of Attraction work for you
  • Ask for more and get more
  • Increase your value and impact
  • Create more with less effort

Projects, visions

The future is initially a vision. Once it becomes reality, you wonder what happened to the vision.
© Wolfgang (WoKo) Kownatka (*1938), German Air Force officer, NATO press officer, banker, freelance journalist and aphorist

  • Increase project success with more potential
  • Open new paths for you and your team
  • Bring your visions closer to implementation
  • Take the leap into something new!

Artikel – Kategorie

Onur posted a comment in What can I?
Die gebuchten Stunden verfliegen gleich schnell wie all die Probleme/Lasten die man mit sich trägt.L...
Joomla Article
Tamara posted a comment in What can I?
Lieber JohannesNach monatelangen Schmerzen im Rücken, die ohne Medikamente nicht auszuhalten waren, ...
Joomla Article
Carmen posted a comment in Shiatsu with Empty Touch / Moxa
Meine Tochter hatte grosse Schwierigkeiten mit der Eingewöhnung im Kindergarten.Eine Sitzung bei Joh...
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Sabrina posted a comment in Transformation Work
Lieber JohannesEin herzliches Dankeschön für deine wirklich grosse Hilfe.Meine Tochter hatte eine ri...
Joomla Article
Regula posted a comment in Animal treatment
Unser Hund Taylor war sehr krank und hatte Wasser in der Lunge, er war im Tierspital und nur noch ge...
Joomla Article

Find Us

Transformation Work GmbH
Baarerstrasse 34
6300 Zug
0041 (0)76 330 36 61
skype: transformationwork

09:00 - 18:00
Evening and Weekend only emergencies

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