Coaching philosophy


A trusting, open, honest and respectful relationship between client and coach is the basis for a successful coaching result.

Both the client and the coach must recognize that there is a gap between the current situation and the client's full potential.

Looking at the client from a holistic perspective is the basis for understanding the client's situation in order to set and achieve goals.

The coach focuses on five areas for the client's solution development: physical, mental, emotional, interpersonal and spiritual.

When working together successfully, the coach offers transformative results for the client to achieve their goals. The client can dispose of the new findings himself and decide on how to implement them.

Learning on the part of the client and coach is fundamental to meaningful coaching.

Artikel – Kategorie

Onur posted a comment in What can I?
Die gebuchten Stunden verfliegen gleich schnell wie all die Probleme/Lasten die man mit sich trägt.L...
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Tamara posted a comment in What can I?
Lieber JohannesNach monatelangen Schmerzen im Rücken, die ohne Medikamente nicht auszuhalten waren, ...
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Carmen posted a comment in Shiatsu with Empty Touch / Moxa
Meine Tochter hatte grosse Schwierigkeiten mit der Eingewöhnung im Kindergarten.Eine Sitzung bei Joh...
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Sabrina posted a comment in Transformation Work
Lieber JohannesEin herzliches Dankeschön für deine wirklich grosse Hilfe.Meine Tochter hatte eine ri...
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Regula posted a comment in Animal treatment
Unser Hund Taylor war sehr krank und hatte Wasser in der Lunge, er war im Tierspital und nur noch ge...
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